Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Here's help for you or a friend if you are researching whether or not to buy a Kindle

Nearly 30,000 Kindle owners have purchased and downloaded the Kindle edition of my book, The Complete User's Guide to the Amazing Amazon Kindle, making it the premier guide for Kindlers.

Now it is the first Kindle guide to be published in a paperback edition, which may be a little ironic, but the availability of a paperback edition has already proved beneficial to hundreds of readers who want to check out the guide as part of their due-diligence before they lay out $359 for a brand new Kindle.

The paperback edition, 160 pages in length, can also be helpful to Kindle owners who want to consult a hard-copy in one hand while they are working with their Kindles with the other, as well as to Kindle authors and publishers.